The invention is a method that allows contamination-free transfer of a liquidfrom one container to another and devices including embodiments of a transferapparatus and adaptors that are used to carry out the method. By contamination-freetransfer of liquid it is meant that during the transfer process there is no leakageof the liquid or air contaminated by the liquid or vapors of the liquid to the surroundingsand also that no contaminants from the surroundings come into contact with theliquid. The main advantages of the method, in addition to its simplicity, is thatat no stage of the transfer procedure is there leakage of the liquid or air contaminatedby the liquid or vapors of the liquid to the surroundings and also that no contaminantsfrom the surroundings come into contact with the liquid. The present inventionis particularly directed towards providing an apparatus that is adapted to effectcontamination-free transfer of a hazardous drug to and from any container equippedwith a standard connector port.