Making coffee products, including roasted and ground coffee beans, mixing roasted and ground coffee with butter, mixing roasted and ground coffee with butter by steam treatment, and making coffee products to produce instant Turkish coffee.
The present invention relates to a method for producing a coffee product useful for preparing a coffee beverage, especially a Turkish coffee beverage, comprising steam treatment of a mixture of roast and ground coffee and emulsifier.METODO PARA PREPARAR UN PRODUCTO DE CAFE, QUE COMPRENDE TOSTAR Y MOLER GRANOS DE CAFE, MEZCLAR EL CAFE TOSTADO Y MOLIDO CON UN EMULSIONANTE, Y TRATAR CON VAPOR LA MEZCLA DE CAFE TOSTADO Y MOLIDO Y EMULSIONANTE; Y PRODUCTO DE CAFE PARA PREPARAR LA BEBIDA DE CAFE TURCO INSTANTANEA.