It is intended to provide a microneedle and a microneedle array comprising anauto-soluble base and capable of realizing higher absorptivity and pharmacologicaleffect. A preparation for application to the body surface 1 has two portionsdivided in an insertion direction, i.e., a fore-end portion 5 and a rear-end portion6. The fore-end portion 5 includes a body surface insertion end 2 and holds a base-solubletarget substance. The rear-end portion 6 includes a pressing end 3 and is mainlyconstituted by only a base and does not hold a target substance. When the preparationfor application to the body surface 1 is inserted into the body surface such asthe skin, even if a portion of the rear end side is not inserted into the body surfaceand remains outside, an actual given dose of the target substance is not less thana desired amount because the target substance is contained in the fore-end portion5, and a high absorptivity and pharmacological effect can be realized.