Provided is a medical part with excellent antibiotic properties and antibiotic substantivity as well as high biocompatibility, and a manufacturing method therefor. After an anodic oxidation treatment, wherein a pulsed current with a frequency of 50 to 10,000 Hz is applied for an electrolytic treatment, is applied to a base material in an acidic electrolytic bath or an alkaline electrolytic bath so as to form a film, which has minute holes and/or minute protrusions and recesses preferably in the quantity of 5 x 104/mm2 or more on the surface of the base material, an iodine-impregnation treatment is applied so as to impregnate iodine or an iodine compound into said film. Polyvinyl pyrrolidone iodine, β-cyclodextrin iodine, or silver iodine is desirable for the iodine compound. Furthermore, a biocompatible metallic material selected from Ti, Ti alloy, stainless steel, and Co-Cr alloy is desirable for the base material. The film may be formed by means of a chemical treatment, a thermal treatment, or a machining process, or a combination of these, instead of the anodic oxidation treatment. Thus, a medical part with excellent antibiotic properties and antibiotic substantivity as well as high biocompatibility can be manufactured easily and inexpensively.Se proveen suministros médicos que tienen excelente actividad antimicrobiana y son superiores en la durabilidad de la actividad antimicrobiana y en biocompatibilidad, y un método para producir los suministros médicos. Un material base es tratado efectuando un tratamiento de oxidación anódica para realizar electrólisis mediante la aplicación de corriente alterna con una frecuencia de 50 a 10000 Hz al material base en un baño electrolítico ácido o baño electrolítico alcalino, para formar una película con microporos y/o microirregularidades con una densidad preferiblemente de 5x104/mm2 sobre la superficie del material base y entonces, mediante la realización de un tratamiento de impregnación con yodo, impregnar la película co