Pharmaceutical compound solid or liquid well tolerated is a combination of plants african, citrus fruits, and of having a synergistic action in order to prevent and treat the malaria. It is a combination of 2 to 4 fruit that are: total extracts of ocimum graticimum, total extracts of the roots beach, total extracts pineapple, grapefruit juice, orange, lemon this product is obtained by drying in a first time, these various roots and fruit in the shade or freeze-dried. Then they are crushed and sieved, so as to obtain a fine powder. The various powders are mixed and distributed in the capsules are previously well cleaned and used in small bottles of 20, 50 or 100 hard capsules. Pharmaceutical solid compound may be more concentrated, and is then completed by a solvent. Then each bottle is placed in a suitable apparatus for about one week. One proceeds to the mixture of powders which are enriched obtained with the aid of a mixer - mixer. These capsules can even be placed in a blister pack. The liquid form the various powders are weighed and taken at the appropriate amounts, the mixture is carried out in a large receptacle, then it is added a solvent. The compound to form solid and liquid is an antiparasitic action against malaria.Composé pharmaceutique solide ou liquide bien toléré est une association de plantes africaines, dagrumes et de fruits ayant des actions synergiques pour prévenir et soigner le paludisme. Il sagit dune association de 2 plantes et de 4 fruits que sont : Extraits totaux docimum graticimum, Extraits totaux de racines cocotier, Extraits totaux dAnanas, de pamplemousse, dorange, et de citronCe produit est obtenu en séchant dans un premier temps ces différentes racines et fruits à lombre ou à les lyophiliser. Ensuite elles sont broyées, tamisées de façon à obtenir une poudre fine. Les différentes poudres mélangées et réparties dans des gélules vides préalablement bien nettoyées et mises dans de petits flacons de 20, 50 ou 100 gélules.Composé pharmaceu