Substantially the plunger (2) is inserted inside the hollow cylinder which it has (1), the plunger is air and furthermore vis-a-vis the above-mentioned cylinder, is outside in the end amount which to be closed, in addition vis-a-vis the above-mentioned cylinder, is inside (6), the plunger which (2) is inserted in the end the 1st plug which it has (3) the injector itself which and, substantially the head (5 ) is loaded around beforehand around the head the spring which to have in addition the needle (5) the 2nd plug (7) have, the aforementioned spring after the using the aforementioned plunger (2) the aforementioned needle to inside (5,5 ) universal introductionThe needle itself which has been decided possessing (4), the disposable injector which becomes is offered.< Selective figure >Figure 1実質的にプランジャー(2)を内部に挿入した中空シリンダ(1)を備え、プランジャーが中空でありしかも上記シリンダに対して外部にある端部分において閉じられており、また上記シリンダに対して内部にあるプランジャー(2)端部分に挿入された第1の栓(3)を備えた注射器本体と、実質的にヘッド(5’)の周りに予め装填したバネ(6)を備え、また針(5)のヘッドの周りに第2の栓(7)を備え、前記バネが使用後に前記プランジャー(2)内への前記針(5,5’)の普遍的導入を決めている針本体(4)とを有してなる使い捨て注射器が提供される。【選択図】図1