The invention relates to a device (1) three-dimensionally reproducing a fetal heart, characterized in that it is suitable for portraying at least two section planes, the first plane (P1) corresponding to the fetal section of the four chambers, and the second plane (P2) corresponding to the fetal section of the great vessels, and including at least two parts (10, 20): a first part (10) corresponding to a lower portion of the fetal heart, and having a substantially planar upper surface (11) corresponding to the first section plane (P1); and a second part (20), having the shape of a dihedron, the apical angle of which is acute, and which has a substantially planar upper surface corresponding to the second section plane (P2), the edge (24) of the dihedron forming said second part (20) being aligned with the straight line (D) extending from the intersection of the two section planes (P1 and P2).