To provide a culture apparatus capable of preventing astonishment behaviors, causing fish to swim in a wide swimming region without gathering of fish to a part of a swimming tank, and comprising a luminaire which can be easily controlled.SOLUTION: A columnar illumination region 4 is formed on an almost center of a swimming tank 1 by a luminaire 2, and fish swim around the illumination region, therefore, fish swim at a wide region. In addition, illuminance can be controlled so that fish do not perform astonishment behaviors in start time of illuminating.SELECTED DRAWING: Figure 2【課題】驚愕行動を防止し、かつ遊泳槽の一部に魚が集まることなく広い遊泳領域で魚を泳がせることができ、制御が容易な照明装置を備えた養殖装置を提供する。【解決手段】照明装置2により遊泳槽1のほぼ中央に柱状の照明領域4を形成し、その周りを魚が遊泳するように構成することで、魚を広い領域で遊泳させることができる。また、照明の開始時に魚が驚愕行動を起こさないように照度を制御できる。【選択図】図2