An agricultural tilling assembly has an elongate structure, and at least oneground engaging tool sub- assembly that issecured to or within the elongate structure. The sub-assembly includes a hubhaving a mounting portion, a ground engaging tool thatis arranged to be secured to the hub or integrally formed therewith, and aweight having a body with an open aperture formed with amouth, the mouth being configured to enable the weight plate to be threadedover the elongate structure so that the elongate structureextends through the open aperture, and the open aperture being configured sothat the weight plate in at least a first orientation canbe thereafter manoeuvred over at least a portion of a length of the hub whilstin situ on the elongate structure and to be beatable onthe mounting portion. The ground engaging tool is formed so that it can beconnected to a respective one of the hubs of the tillingassembly whilst that hub is retained interconnected in situ on the tillingassembly, and without the necessity to remove any other groundengaging tool from me oiling assembly.