new strains of solubilisatrices dwelling actinobacteria mineral forms of potassium and phosphate can fix n2 in association with ochrobactrum sp.these bacterial inocula, formulations, such as bio fertilizers and their use in the nutrition and health of plants
this invention describes the production of strains as engraisbiologique dwelling actinobacteria (npk).these are the rochespotassiques solublisatrices dwelling actinobacteria (asrk) and rock phosphatière (asrp) conditions: (calcareous soils and alkaline ph).in addition, the symbiotic association with labactérie fixed nitrogen (n2) in the atmosphere ochrobactérium anthropi (ochro) lesrend capable of providing nutrition, total plant nitrogen requirements,phosphorus etpotassium).it also describes a new formulation of bactérienbasée inoculum on the optimization of certain biological properties in the dwelling actinobacteria (asrk & asrn and ochrobactrium) namely, the ccapacity to solubilize and mobiliserles forms of potassium.phosphorus and nitrogen for the plant from the bioavailable forms of inorganic and organic complexes, which are not accessible to b without a partner (askp + ochro library).all sporesddwelling actinobacteria including mineral and a phosphate source or \/ and potassium in the form of orthoclase in the presence of n2 in a matrix.the ability of (asrp etasrp) to dissolve phosphorus and potassium and fix n2 to accessiblesà plant will be increased.thus,the role of the partnership (asrkp + ochro plant) on the development of the host plant can be optimized by combining closely the impact of the dwelling actinobacteria (askp) on the plant (hormon directlyal, mineral etetc) and indirectly (alteration of potassium and inorganic phosphate, nitrogen protection to non combined n2.Cette invention décrit lobtention de souches dactinobactéries comme engraisbiologique complet(npk). Ces actinobactéries sont solublisatrices des rochespotassiques (asrk) et la roche phosphatière (asrp) en conditions difficiles àsavoir (sols calcaires et ph alcalin ). En plus, leur association symbiotique avec labactérie fixatrice dazote atmosphérique(n2) ochrobactérium anthropi (ochro) lesrend capables dassurer la nutrition totale des plantes (besoins en azote, phosphore etpotassium). El