The first purpose of the present invention is to provide a pad for a vinyl house, which can prevent or delay corrosion of the product or generation of rust thereon due to changes in the weather and in the external temperature. The second purpose of the present invention is to provide a pad for a vinyl house, in which the materials of the product are thin (0.6-0.8 T), the width thereof is narrow (25 m/m), the length thereof is long, thereby preventing bending and breaking effects during the work. The third purpose of the present invention is to provide a pad for a vinyl house, in which conventional products are connected to each other with a connecting bar and three or four pieces are used to connect the conventional products, but novel products are connected to each other by fitting one wide end into the other wide end, thereby being easy to work during the installation, reducing installation time, and saving the costs of auxiliary materials.COPYRIGHT KIPO 2015본,제품은 1. 기상변화 및 외부의 온도 변화에 의하여 제품이 부식되고 녹이 발생 되는것을 방지 또는 지연시키는데 목적이 있다.2. 제품의 자재가 얇고(0.6 T∼ 0.8 T) 폭이좁고 (25m/m) 길이가 길어서 작업중 휨 현상과, 꺽임 현상을, 막는데 목적이 있다.3. 제품과 제품의 연결을 위한 연결대로 연결하여 그위에 피스3∼4개씩 사용하여 작업하였으나 끝을 넓혀 끼우기만 하면 되게 되었기에 설치시 작업이 쉽고, 설치 시간이 단축되고, 부속자재비를 절약하는데, 목적이 있다.