Ощепков Андрей Владимирович (RU),Богданов Алексей Владимирович (RU)
A method of surgical treatment rectocele third degree, including excision of the posterior vaginal wall mobilization rectovaginal septum installation in muscle mass transplant of prolene mesh, characterized in that operate liroobrazny incision of the vaginal mucosa and skin of the perineum with the apex at the rear arch, acute by otseparovyvayut limited slit flap while exposing the rectovaginal septum, rectal sphincter and partly the front wall of the rectum, followed by blunt and sharp isolated pa oshedshiesya muscle levator in lateral sides wound into which installed retractor ring of a set of "Mini-Assistant" with retractors, whereby visualized cavity rectovaginal septum to pelvic peritoneum, then excessive front wall ampullar rectum corrugate separate nodal vicryl sutures at posterior and middle third of the vagina levator boundaries intersect with the help of a harmonic scalpel, and the resulting muscle portions are transferred from the frontal sagittal PLO bone more cut out in size of the defect H-shaped graft, which is positioned in the rectovaginal septum tissue to pelvic peritoneum tip of the letter "H" cranially so that the lower part of the letter jumper "H" closes crosslinked levator further from the deep transverse perineal muscles cut out flaps up to 3 cm in length and transferred to the pedicle in the frontal plane, the contralateral side flaps are sewn together over the absorbable suture material reticulated graft removed long retractorsСпособ хирургического лечения ректоцеле третьей степени, включающий иссечение задней стенки влагалища, мобилизацию ректовагинальной перегородки, установку в мышечный массив трансплантата из проленовой сетки, отличающийся тем, что выполняют лирообразный разрез слизистой влагалища и кожи промежности с вершиной у заднего свода, острым путем отсепаровывают ограниченный разрезом лоскут, при этом обнажается ректовагинальная перегородка, сфинктер прямой кишки и частично передняя стенка прямой кишки, затем тупым и острым путе