599897 Disclosed is a method for the cultivation of hazel tree on a support, with the crown having the form of a vertical spindle, characterized in that in the first years of cultivation, on one planting place, one or more lines (1) of basic trees are obtained by pruning one seedling. Further disclosed is a method for the cultivation of hazel tree on a support, with the crown having the form of a vertical spindle, characterized in that the crown of a basic tree is formed by pruning during the yield period, in such a way that it forms a vertical cylinder of uniform cross-section, with a height of 3 to 5 m and a diameter of 0,5 to 1 m, with a skeleton consisting of a central line (1) having on it, along the whole height, radially arranged primary branches (2) of a length of 0,2 to 0,5 m with secondary yielding branches (3) of a length of 0,2 to 0,5 m and primary yielding branches (3) with a length of 0,2 to 0,8 m, and the central line (1) is tied (7) to the support (6) at different heights.Винахід належить до способу вирощування горішника з кроною, що має форму вертикального веретена, на опорі, причому в перші роки вирощування на одному посадковому місці отримують одну або більше ліній основних дерев шляхом обрізки одного саджанця.