A nutritional composition for promoting wound healing comprises a protein source, a lipid source and a carbohydrate source wherein no more than 1.8% of the total calories of the composition derive from arginine and wherein the protein source includes proline in an amount of at least 3% of the total calories of the composition. The composition may be administered orally and is particularly suitable for the amelioration of pressure ulcers although it may also be used with advantage in the nutritional management of acute wounds including pre and post surgery.本發明係關於一種用於促進創傷癒合之營養組合物,其包括一蛋白質來源、一脂類來源和一碳水化合物來源,其中不高於該組合物總熱量之1.8%係源自精胺酸,且其中該蛋白質來源包含至少3%該組合物總熱量之脯胺酸含量。該組合物可口服給藥,且尤其適於舒緩壓瘡,雖然其在包含手術前和手術後之急性創傷之營養管理上亦有益處。