The invention relates to method and system for generating physiological signals by using a cloth capacitive sensor. The system comprises at least a piece of cloth, wherein at least a conductive area is arranged on the cloth a capacitor is formed between the conductive cloth and the human body under the effect of providing a signal externally, when pressure, pull or tension are applied between the human body and the cloth, which enables to change the capacitance or change the dielectric constant between the human body and the cloth so that the capacitance changes, the capacitor change is sensed the change of capacitor is represented by frequency, voltage or current change so as to generate frequency, voltage or current change which is used to sense physiological parameters of human body by means of the resonance frequency, voltage or current change. The physiological parameters comprise posture, swallowing, coughing, breathing, sweating and even heartbeat etc. The cloth capacitive sensor is connected in series or in parallel with a switch, a resistor R, a capacitor C or an inductor L to change the signal range of frequency, voltage or current.