Massage device relates to devices for massaging a prophylactic and can be used for the purpose of deep relaxation of short muscles of the back of the neck, for example, to control the position of the atlas (the first cervical vertebra). The technical result is the creation of high-precision device for a point (acupuncture) deep, painless and safe for the patient feedback on reflex (bioactive) in terms of short muscles of the back of the neck. The massage device includes a housing (1) placed inside it mechanism reciprocation, and a nozzle (21) with a tip (22). The tip (22) is made of a soft ductile resilient material of silicone type, frustoconical, spheroidal end (23) of radius (4.5-5.5) mm and a thickness of (4-5) mm, and the cone angle of the tip (22) It is from 16 to 18 degrees. Between the nozzle rod (21) and the inner surface of the spherical end (23) of the tip (22) is made air cavity (24). For convenience, the surface of the housing (1) is partially covered by a layer of shrink-slip rubber, component parts are made of aluminum alloy, and the housing (1) is provided with a removable handle (10). The inventive design of the tip (22), the nozzle (23) of the massage device does sufficiently soft and movable in all directions, the tip portion (22), which is directly involved in the process of massage which helps to minimize the contact area (1.2 mm 2) the patients skin, since the spherical end (23) is formed with a radius R = (4,5-5,5) mm 2 Fig.Массажный прибор относится к устройствам для профилактического массажа и может использоваться с целью глубокого расслабления коротких мышц задней поверхности шеи, например, для контроля положения атланта (первого шейного позвонка). Технический результат заключается в создании высокоточного прибора для точечного (акупунктурного) глубокого, безболезненного и безопасного для пациента воздействия на рефлекторные (биологически активные) точки коротких мышц задней поверхности шеи. Массажный прибор, включает корпус (1) с размещенн