The invention relates to medicine, in particular to traumatology and orthopedics and can be used for concomitant surgical correction of metatarsus varus and hallux-valgus.Summary of the invention consists in that it is performed a longitudinal incision on the dorsal surface of the foot, namely medially from the tendon of the long extensor muscle of the hallux, along the proximal phalanx of the halux, the metatarsophalangeal articulation of the hallux and the distal third of the first metatarsal bone, then is incised the capsule and the periosteum, is mobilized the common tendon of the adductor muscle and the medial fascicle of the short flexor muscle of the hallux, which is applied on the sesamoid bone and the base of the proximal phalanx of the hallux, is ligated the tendon of the hallux adductor muscle at a distance of 5 mm from the base of the proximal phalanx, and then is incised the tendon, is performed a channel through the head of the first metatarsal bone, through which is passed the thread from the medial to the lateral side, then to the base of the proximal phalanx and is sutured to the lateral part of the metatarsal bone, afterwards through an access made on the lateral part of the metatarsophalangeal articulation of the hallux is removed the exostosis, then is performed the capsuloraphy and are sutured in layers the soft tissues.Invenţia se referă la medicină, în special la traumatologie şi ortopedie şi poate fi utilizată pentru corecţia chirurgicală concomitentă a metatarsus varus şi hallux-valgus.Esenţa invenţiei constă în aceea că se efectuează o incizie longitudinală pe faţa dorsală a plantei piciorului, şi anume medial de tendonul muşchiului extensor lung al halucelui, de-a lungul falangei proximale a halucelui, articulaţiei metatarsofalangiene a halucelui şi treimii distale a primului os metatarsian, apoi se incizează capsula şi periostul, se mobilizează tendonul comun al muşchiului aductor şi al fasciculului medial al muşchiului flexor scurt al ha