Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "КВАЗАР" (RU)
Туголуков Александр Владимирович (RU)
1. Contactless pupillometry screening for diagnosing a functional state of the organism, vklyuchayuschiykorpus (1), the holder (2), radiator (3), a receiver (4), a temperature sensor (5), chamber (6), the casing (7) availability indicator (8), two infrared LEDs (9), the red LED (10), a white light source (11), light sensor (12) and a computer with special software (13) at etomkorpus (1) is made of complex shape which can be divided into two surfaces forming (1a) peak and (1b) enclosing collars front end side visor body (1.1) has a concave shape, i.e. in the plane represented by an arc, centered which is mounted the temperature sensor (5) and at the edges symmetrically arranged radiator (3) and a receiver (4), respectively, to a light flux emitter (3) will be directed to the receiver (4) emitter (3) is represented fotoelektrodatchikom generating light output a receiver (4) Representat ION fotoelektrodatchikom receiving light flux from the source (3), a temperature sensor (5) is represented by an infrared thermometer, providing non-contact measurement of temperature, in the interior of the enclosing sides of the housing (1.2) in the center is located the chamber (6) in the housing (7) and a location indicator (8), and on opposing sides of the chamber (6) is mounted two infrared LEDs (9), a casing (7) is made of a material capable of evenly distributing light, the position indicator (8) is located above the chamber and made of a material poverhnos s profile side of which has a reflective, with a degree of clarity sufficient for reflecting the eye contours, two infrared LEDs (9) operate in the infrared light range, thus perform the function1. Бесконтактный пупиллометр для скрининг-диагностики функционального состояния организма, включающийкорпус (1), держатель (2), излучатель (3), приемник (4), температурный датчик (5), камеру (6), кожух (7), индикатор расположения (8), два инфракрасных светодиода (9), красный светодиод (10), источник белого света (11), датчик освещенно