The inventionrelates to a medical device forpro-viding a plurality of extracorporealblood or plasma treatments, aptto receive at least one disposablearticle that can be connectedto extracorporeal circuit, eachdisposable article being equippedwith storage means containinginformation about the disposablearticle, the device comprising a firstreceiving station (2) for disposablearticles (100) with a first readingmeans (3) for the associated article,a second receiving station (3)for disposable articles (100) witha second reading means (3) forthe associated article, a memorycomprising information concerningat least one treatment protocoldesigned to be executed by thedevice, and information concerninga configuration of the disposablearticles necessary for each treatmentprotocol at each receiving station,a control unit (10) for comparingthe stored configuration of articlesconcerning a treatment protocolwith the configuration of articlesonce it is installed.