As for this invention (S1) the root of kurukumakisansoriza (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) the stage which prepares the powder (S2) after extracting the aforementioned powder with the organic solvent, filtration or centrifugal separating, the stage which obtains the residue (S3) extracting the aforementioned residue, the stage which produces the solution where the polysaccharide is contained (S4) in the solution where the aforementioned polysaccharide is contained the stage which removes the starch including the starchy hydrolase (S5) the description above (S4) the stage which settles the polysaccharide after the stage The pharmacy composition which includes the polysaccharide and this kind of polysaccharide which are obtained and (S6) the description above (S5) by the production method and this kind of production method of the polysaccharide which features that the stage which refines the polysaccharide after the stage is included as the active ingredient is offered. The polysaccharide which accompanies this invention can make the macrophage activate, can use for the quite usefulness in the chemicals and the functional food for immunity reinforcement after the prevention, the remedy and the remedy of the immunity-related disease which includes the cancer.本発明は(S1)クルクマキサンソリザの根(Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.)の粉末を準備する段階;(S2)前記粉末を有機溶媒で抽出した後、ろ過または遠心分離して残渣を得る段階;(S3)前記残渣を抽出して多糖類が含有された溶液を製造する段階;(S4)前記多糖類が含有された溶液に澱粉加水分解酵素を加えて澱粉を除去する段階;(S5)前記(S4)段階後に多糖類を沈殿させる段階;及び(S6)前記(S5)段階後に多糖類を精製する段階を含むことを特徴とする多糖類の製造方法、このような製造方法により得られた多糖類、このような多糖類を有効成分として含む薬学組成物を提供する。本発明に伴う多糖類はマクロファージを活性化させ、癌を含む免疫関連疾患の予防、治療及び治療後の免疫増強のための薬品及び機能性食品に極めて有用に使用できる。