An optic fiber injection and suction device is provided, in particular, the optic fiber injection and suction device which is provided for an optic fiber cables is provided on the injection and suction device, such that the light source of the optic fiber cable is emitted into the needle by the optic fiber cable, and emitted out of the needle. In addition, the optic fiber cable can also be used as an image probe so that the image can be directed to the camera by the light source and fiber at the needle. The aspect of the invention is to assist the medical staff to mark the injection and aspiration position, and can solve the problem that the risk of the needle is wrongly injected or sucked or the position of the injection and suction is not clear.一種光纖注射及抽吸裝置,特別是在注射及抽吸裝置上配置光纖導線,使得射入光纖導線的光源可以藉由光纖導線導引至針頭,並由針頭將光源射出的注射及抽吸裝置;最後,將光源引至針頭射出;此外,光纖導線亦可作為影像探測使用,使得影像可藉由針頭處的光源與光纖引導至攝像機成像。本發明目的在於輔助醫護人員標示注射及抽吸位置,可解決注射及抽吸時誤扎針風險或注射及抽吸位置不明確問題。1‧‧‧光纖注射及抽吸裝置10‧‧‧針頭20‧‧‧針座30‧‧‧中空針筒32‧‧‧容置空間34‧‧‧中空針筒前端40‧‧‧推杆50‧‧‧光纖導線60‧‧‧光連接器