The present invention refers to a Robot for the physical rehabilitation of upper limbs. The Robot may generate ten different movements and their combinations, the rehabilitator may select speeds, spin directions, angular movement degrees and amount of automatic cycles obeyed by five mechatronic arrangements integrated for leading the upper limbs to the three-dimensional points selected by the rehabilitator. The orders programmed by the rehabilitator are given as digital signals of activation and deactivation to the five mechatronic arrangements and translated in the controlled movement of their respective motors by a Logic Programmable Controller that receives the digital manual orders by means of selectors, and automatic orders by means of a Human-Machine Interface. The Robot has a structure built in profiles of extruded aluminum, which front portion allows an upper and lower rotating system to be mounted for the movement in meridians of the curved rails which simultaneously support a sliding cart by bearings. This cart is useful for fastening the upper limb to be rehabilitated by means of cushioned pieces, which supports and/or bents and/or rotates according to the degrees previously selected and proved in the cycle simulation function.Esta invención se refiere a un Robot para rehabilitación física de miembros superiores. El Robot puede generar diez distintos movimientos y sus combinaciones pudiendo el rehabilitador seleccionar velocidades, sentidos de giro, grados de movimientos angulares y cantidad de ciclos automáticos obedecidos por cinco conjuntos Mecatrónicos integrados para llevar al miembro superior a rehabilitarse a los puntos tridimensionales que el rehabilitador haya seleccionado. Las órdenes programadas por el rehabilitador son repartidas como señales digitales de activación y desactivación a los cinco conjuntos Mecatrónicos y traducidas en el movimiento controlado de sus respectivos motores por un Controlador Lógico Programable que recibe las órdenes