PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a high alveolar ectasia inhibitor or alveolar wall destruction inhibitor with high safety which is useful for treatment of pulmonary diseases in patients whose pulmonary function is decreased irreversibly.SOLUTION: The invention provides an alveolar ectasia inhibitor or an alveolar wall destruction inhibitor with high safety containing adiponectin known as a collagen-like secreted protein specifically secreted from adipocytes, being excellent in improving action of decreased pulmonary functions, such as airflow obstruction, exhibiting extremely high therapeutic effect against lung disease in which a pulmonary function is irreversibly lowered, and having few side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, and gastric-acid secretion effect.【課題】非可逆的に肺機能が低下した肺疾患患者の治療に有用な、安全性の高い肺胞拡張抑制剤、又は肺胞壁破壊抑制剤を提供すること。【解決手段】脂肪細胞から特異的に分泌されるコラーゲン様分泌タンパク質として知られるアディポネクチンを含有する、気流閉塞等の肺機能の低下改善作用に優れ、肺機能が非可逆的に低下した肺疾患に対して極めて高い治療効果を発揮し、吐き気、嘔吐、胃酸分泌作用等の副作用の少なく安全性の高い肺胞拡張抑制剤、又は肺胞壁破壊抑制剤。【選択図】なし