FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine and aims at surgical management of prosopoanoschisis. An external edge of schisis is mobilised from a rabble incision extended along a crest of internal nasal fold. A wing cartilage is separated from skin and mucosa, moved in a correct position and fixed to a cartilage from the opposite site and to a triangular cartilage. It is followed by periosteoplasty by mucoperiosteal flaps overturning from the schisis edges. A triangular flap is cut out in an inferior portion of lip on an external side of the schisis and its bed on an internal side of the schisis at 90° to a skin incision line. A Miros technique is applied for vermilion zone plastics, while vestibules of nose are repaired by a Limbergs technique. If observing a two-side schisis, a flap is cut out by loop incisions from a base of wing of nose to a point distant 2-3 mm from a central point of a cupids bow. A median portion is refreshed by oval sections. An orbicular muscle of mouth is separated and connected with a muscle of the opposite side under skin portion of the median portion. The wing cartilages are separated from circular sections on the internal surface of the wing of nose at 1-2 mm from the border. The cartilages are displaced and fixed together by buried sutures. It is followed by periosteoplasty from both edges of the median portion.EFFECT: method provides one-step repair of the upper lip and nose, ensures good cosmetic and functional effect of prosopoanoschisis, predetermines a consistent tissue growth and development in the schisis.2 cl, 6 dwg, 2 exИзобретение относится к медицине и предназначено для лечения врожденных расщелин верхней. Осуществляют мобилизацию наружного края расщелины через разрез по типу «кочерги», продолжающийся по гребню внутренней складки носа, далее циркулярно, отступя 1-2 мм от кожи крыла носа. Выделяют крыльный хрящ от кожи и слизистой, перемещают в правильное положение и фиксируют к хрящу противоположной стороны и к