Pharmaceutical composition comprising a DPP IV inhibitor selected from a defined Group, a First diluent, a Second diluent: mannitol, pregelatinized Starch, a Second diluent:A Binder and Lubricant, useful in the treatment of diabetes. (Divisional of the Sun. 1260 - 07).
Pharmaceutical composition comprising a compound of DPP IV inhibitor with an amino group or a Salt thereof, a First diluent, a Binder, a Second diluentA disintegrant and LUBRICANT; useful in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. (Divisional of the Sun. 1260 - 07).<;p>;Composició;n farmacé;utica que comprende un compuesto inhibidor de DPP IV con un grupo amino o una sal del mismo, un primer diluyente, un segundo diluyente, un aglutinante, un disgregante y un lubricante; ú;til en el tratamiento de diabetes mellitus. (Divisional de la Sol. 1260-07).<;/p>;