The invention relates to generating a composite medical image combining at least first and second image data. Particularly, the invention relates to a medical imaging system for generating a composite medical view or image combining at least first and second image data as well as a method for generating a composite medical image. In order to provide a combination of image data providing improved perceptibility and enhancing the use of acquired image data, a medical imaging system for generating a composite medical view/image combining at least first and second image data, comprising an image acquisition device, a data processing unit and a display device, a medical imaging system and a method for generating a composite medical image combining at least first and second image data provided, the method comprising the following steps: a) selecting first image data of a first image (212) and second image data of a second image (214) b) registering the first and the second image data c) determining a boundary connecting sector connecting adjacent boundaries of the first image and the second image d) generating a separator (218) on behalf of the image data of the boundary connecting sector e) combining image data of the first image and the second image with image data of the separator to a combined image data and f) displaying the combined image comprising the separator (218).Linvention concerne la génération dune image médicale composite combinant au moins des données dune première et dune seconde image. En particulier, linvention concerne un système dimagerie médicale destiné à générer une vue ou une image médicale composite combinant au moins des données dune première et dune seconde image ainsi quun procédé de génération dune image médicale composite. Afin de délivrer une combinaison de données dimage assurant une perceptibilité améliorée et améliorant lutilisation des données dimage acquises, on présente un système dimagerie médicale pour la génération dune vue/image