PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To achieve hallux valgus prevention that eliminates looseness and slack by strengthening a thumb adductor muscle strength.SOLUTION: Hallux valgus prevention and relaxation and an acupuncture point acupressure band as a solution means is achieved as follows: a conventional treatment of relaxing a pain of the whole thumb affected from a hallux valgus symptom and a distorted curve symptom depends on a poultice or taping for temporarily relaxing the symptoms for treatment, and it is difficult to prevent the progress of the pain symptom caused by the projection of the bone the factor of a projection symptom of the bone relates to decrease of muscle strength of the thumb adductor muscle of a sole portion forming the sole inside the acupuncture point acupressure is performed that is effective for promoting the blood flow of the portion and relaxing the pain symptom concerning skeletal joints and internal organs a massaging and acupuncture point pushing acupressure portion enabling attachment/detachment and having a thin bulge is attached and installed to a stretching band so as to come in contact with a plantar arch portion muscular looseness and slack are eliminated and the projection of the bone of the thumb is protected a skeleton is protected by strengthening the physical overall muscle strength based on the prevention of the hallux valgus and the prevention of the pain of the symptom and a distorted curve and thereby the skeleton deformation symptom is prevented and avoided.COPYRIGHT: (C)2016,JPO&INPIT【課題】外反母趾予防で拇指内定筋筋力の強化で緩みたるみを無くすこと。【解決手段】従来外反母趾症状からくる親指全体の痛みと歪な曲がり症状を緩和する施術は一時的に緩和する施術する湿布薬又はテーピング等でその骨の跳びだし痛み症状の進行の回避には困難である骨の跳び出し症状の要因は足裏内部を形成している足裏部分の拇指内定筋の筋力低下が関わりその部分の血流を促し骨格間接や内臓関係の痛み症状に効課効力があるツボ指圧を施しその土踏まず部分へ接するように着脱が可能で薄い膨らみを持つマッージ兼用ツボ押し指圧部分を伸縮をするバンドへ付属設置し筋肉の緩みたるみを無くし親指の骨の跳び出し防御をし外反母趾の予防とその症状の痛みと歪な曲がり予防で身体全体の筋力の強化で骨格を守り骨格変形症状の予防と回避をし解決手段として外反母趾予坊と緩和及びツボ指圧バンドとした。【選択図】図2