Wenzel, Benjamin,Hornung, Fridmann,Ostertag, Wolfgang
The invention relates to an incontinence pant (2) for absorbing bodily excretions.Said incontinence pant comprises a front stomach section (4) and a rear back section(6) which are interlinked during manufacture at both side seam zones (14) to definea stomach and back strap having a waist opening (18) that is closed across the circumferenceof the waist and that is continuous in the cross or the waist circumferential direction(16). The pant further comprises a crotch section (8) holding an absorption body(7) and a backsheet material (62), which is impermeable to liquids, and extendingin the longitudinal direction between the stomach section (4) and the back section(6) and being joined to the stomach section (4) and the back section (6) duringmanufacture. The crotch section (8) and the stomach section (4) and the back section(6) delimit leg openings (19) of the incontinence pant. First elasticating means(28) are provided in the stomach section (4) and the back section (6) and extendat a distance to each other and parallel in the cross or waist circumferentialdirection (16), thereby two-dimensionally elasticating the stomach zone (4)and the back zone (6). The incontinence pant is characterized in that the crotchsection (8) overlaps at least 12% of the area of the stomach section (4) and at least20% of the area of the back section (6) and that in at least a transitional zone (66)from the crotch section (8) to the stomach section (4) and from the crotch section(8) to the back section (6) a reinforcing coating (94, 96) is applied to the backsheetmaterial (62), which is impermeable to liquids, of the crotch section (8), saidcoating completely covering the crotch section (8) in the cross direction (16)but ending before the longitudinal ends (98, 100) of the crotch section (8) inthe longitudinal direction (9).