< Topic >The mackerel, the blue fish which fall includes the sword fish and the horse mackerel etc specific smelly you turn off, at the same time, rapidly it increases appetite engendering the individual flavor which is sufficient, in order everybody to receive, you offer the cooking blue fish which is cooked.SolutionsMixing the pericarp 7 of oranges such as pericarp of the citron and boiling cooking blue fish 1 and, raising and to the seasoning liquid, soaking in the seasoning liquid which it cools impregnation being able to point it is something where it pulls up from the said seasoning liquid and separates and the mackerel which is calcined, it attaches the pericarp 7 of the oranges which are separated from the seasoning liquid into the filet of the blue fish which fall includes the sword fish and the horse mackerel, and attaches and constitutes.< Choice figure >Drawing 1【課題】鯖,秋刀魚,鯵などを含む青魚特有の生臭さを消し、かつ、食欲を飛躍的に増進させるに十分な独自の風味を醸し出して万人受けするように調理された調理青魚を提供する。【解決手段】調理青魚1は、柚の果皮などの柑橘類の果皮7を混合して煮立てて冷ました調味液に浸漬して調味液を含浸させて該調味液から引き上げ分離して焼成した鯖,秋刀魚,鯵を含む青魚のフィレに、調味液から分離した柑橘類の果皮7を添え付けて構成したものである。【選択図】図1