1. Use of a composition to control the degree of foaming caused by the heat in the food system by heating said food product system, wherein the composition contains propylene glycol ether fatty kisloty.2. Use according to claim. 1, where the propylene glycol fatty acid ester is a monoester propilenglikolya.3. Use according to claim. 2, wherein the propylene glycol fatty acid ester is a propylene glycol monoester, wherein the fatty acid monoester chain comprises from 6 to 24 atoms ugleroda.4. Use according to claim. 3, where the propylene glycol fatty acid ester is a propylene glycol monoester, wherein the fatty acid monoester comprises a chain of 10 to 18 ugleroda.5 atoms. Use according to claim. 4, where the propylene glycol fatty acid ester is propilenglikolmonostearat.6. Use according to any one of the preceding claims, wherein the propylene glycol fatty acid ester is at least 40% by weight kompozitsii.7. Use according to claim. 6, where the propylene glycol fatty acid ester is at least 50% by weight kompozitsii.8. Use according to claim. 7, wherein the composition consists essentially of a propylene glycol ester of fatty kisloty.9. Use according to any one of claims. 1-5, wherein the composition further comprises poliglitserinpoliritsinolevuyu acid or mono-diglitserid.10. Use according to any one of claims. 1-5, wherein the composition further comprises poliglitserinpoliritsinolevuyu kislotu.11. . Use according to claim 10, wherein propylene glycol fatty acid ester and poliglitserinpoliritsinolevaya acid present in the composition in a ratio from 30: 1 to 1: 1.12. Use according to claim. 1, where the component1. Применение композиции для регулирования степени вызванного нагревом пенообразования в системе пищевого продукта при нагреве указанной системы пищевого продукта, где композиция содержит пропиленгликолевый эфир жирной кислоты.2. Применение по п. 1, где пропиленгликолевый эфир жирной кислоты представляет собой сложный моноэфир пропиленгликоля.3. Применение