Articles can be provided with a high level of odor resistance by applying adispersion of a halogenated heterocyclic N-halamine in an inert liquid carrierto thesurface of the article and allowing the inert liquid carrier to penetrate intothe article.However, it is important for the inert liquid carried not to react withhalogen atoms in thehalogenated heterocyclic N-halamine, and for the halogenated heterocyclic N-halamine tobecome deposited on the surface of the article after the inert liquid carrierpenetrates intothe article. This method can be used to provide a high level of odorresistance to a widevariety of substrates. It is of particular value for use in manufacturinggarbage bagshaving a high level of odor resistance. It can also be used to deposit otherfunctionalparticulates onto the surface of substrates that have porosity sufficient totake up thevehicle, including oxidants that may display antimicrobial and enzymeinhibitory efficacy,including, but not limited to N-halamines, and toxin interaction potentialsboth throughoxidative degradation of toxic substances in air and water, and throughadsorptioninteractions, such as fluoride uptake by metal oxide microparticles.