The invention relates to a germinating block which consists of a porous, lightweight material and, after the addition of water, permits the germination of seeds and the growth of the same to form plants. In accordance with the figure shown in the drawing, the germinating block comprises a block 1 which is produced from rock wool and in which vertical bores (2) are provided. Said bores are alternately filled with granules 3, consisting of a highly swellable polymer, and a mineral fertiliser 4, between which seeds 5 are introduced. The granules 3 consist of a completely neutral polymer and are capable of absorbing more water than would correspond to their own volume. The fertiliser contains all the minerals which are necessary for plants and is made ready for plants by the water absorbed in the granules. That is to say, after the addition of water into the bores 2, the germinating and growing procedure can begin. The germinating block is suitable for long journeys in space and, by the cultivation of appropriate plants, is intended to provide natural vitamins for the astronauts. <IMAGE>