СИЛЬВАНДЕР Матс (SE),ДЭЙ Джеффри С. (US),МАХОНИ Линда М. (US),ХЕНСБИ Кристофер Нельсон (US)
1. A delivery module for a water-based salicylic acid composition, comprising: an aerosol delivery system within which a salicylic acid composition contains 0.5 wt.% Or more weight percent salicylic acid, lipophilic component (s) and a foaming agent, wherein the salicylic composition the acid has a viscosity low enough to support aerosol delivery, and is effective for foaming during aerosol delivery using a combustible substance; and within the aerosol delivery system, also contains a combustible substance, while the salicylic acid composition is non-irritating and causes an anhydrous sensation on the skin. 2. The delivery module according to claim 1, characterized in that said salicylic acid composition contains by weight: salicylic acid 0.5-10%; hydrophilic polymer (s) 0.05-5%; Ipen-forming substance (s) 3-11% .3. The delivery module according to claim 1, characterized in that said salicylic acid composition further includes by weight: 0.005-10% fatty acid (s) and / or similar alkylamine (s) and / or polyalkylene glycol ester (s) and fatty acid. four. The delivery module according to claim 3, characterized in that the polyalkylene glycol and fatty acid ester component is the predominant component among the components of a fatty acid, similar to alkylamine and a polyalkylene glycol and fatty acid ester. The delivery module according to any one of claims 1 to 4, characterized in that said salicylic acid composition provides a stable foam. The delivery module according to any one of claims 1 to 4, characterized in that said salicylic acid composition is practically free of1. Модуль доставки композиции салициловой кислоты на водной основе, включающий: систему аэрозольной доставки,в пределах которой композиция салициловой кислоты содержит 0,5 мас.% или более массовых процентов салициловой кислоты, липофильного компонента(ов) и пенообразующее вещество, при этом композиция салициловой кислоты имеет вязкость, достаточно низкую для того, чтобы поддерживать доставку аэрозол