1. The trailed drill cultivator comprising a coupling, the support rollers, a hopper vas efferens, the flow control device seeds or fats and with two transverse frame beams, on which the clamps are mounted in two rows of cutting units mounted on a rack and the angle of attack of freely rotatable in spherical bearing assemblies disks, wherein the second row of wheels mounted offset relative to the discs of the first row with the opposite angle of attack, characterized in that on the transverse beam and are welded in pairs dressed cheek, above y interconnected panels on which are mounted six brackets for articulation with the frame of the hydraulic cylinder and four adjusting turnbuckles, two of which are associated with the coupling, and two - with support rollers, broken into three groups: a central and two extreme, each of which fixedly mounted on an additional axis, freely rotating in its own bearings mounted on the wings, are rigidly fixed to the additional transverse tube and is pivotally connected with the frame cheeks, wherein in each of three tubes gesture about fitted levers, each extreme of which is pivotally connected with respectively disposed above the frame lanyard, and the central arm is pivotally connected with the hydraulic cylinder, the cutting units are uniformly arranged on the beams in the free field of the cheeks, and the frame mounted frame and in it is located a hopper, configured heart-shaped, is integrated into the hopper noria having its input connected to the output of the hopper, and is located above the elevator yield seed dispensing device from which vas efferens allocated to each cutting member, whereby the drive for1. Полуприцепная сеялка-культиватор, содержащая сцепку, опорные катки, бункер, семяпроводы, устройство регулирования подачи семян или туков и раму с двумя поперечными балками, на которых смонтированы хомутами в два ряда режущие узлы в виде установленных на стойках под углом атаки и свободно вращающихся в подшипниковых узлах