A composition containing black seed ingredients in water or liquid, solutionor compound growsand regrows hair on body. With application of this water or liquid, solutionor compound caringinherent ingredients of black seeds on body, existing or thinning hair becomethick, healthy andlong. Black seed possess inherent natural ingredients to grow and regrow hair.Black seed can beprocessed with any liquid in multiple ways to help grow and regrow hair. Whenblack seed'sinherent ingredient is fed to hair, follicles or hair roots it provides thenutritional boost that theyneed to grow and regrow to their natural full growth potential. Bald spots onarea of bodywhere hair existed once, starts re-growing hair once again. In addition, Blackseed also possessinherent natural ingredients that can cure cancer, kill AIDS, bird flu virusesor other viruses inbody. Black seed can be processed in multiple ways to deal with cancer cells.It gives nutritionalboost needed to improve immune system of body. The crude oil, thymoquinone(TQ) and otheroils extracted from black seeds are effective against many diseases likecancer, cardiovascular,diabetes, asthma, kidney disease, jaundice, gastrointestinal problems,anorexia, conjunctivitis,dyspepsia, rheumatism, diabetes, hypertension, intrinsic hemorrhage,paralysis, amenorrhea,anorexia, asthma, cough, bronchitis, headache, fever, influenza, eczema etc.It is also effectiveagainst cancer in blood system, lung, kidney, liver, prostate, breast, cervix,skin and other organssafely. TQ has antioxidant helps body defences, influence apoptosis andhandles P13K-Aktpathway of cells.