Kazarezov Mikhail Vasilevich,Казарезов Михаил Васильевич,Koroleva Anna Mikhajlovna,Королева Анна Михайловна,Kazarezov Aleksej Antonovich,Казарезов Алексей Антонович,Zykova Galina Igorevna,Зыкова Галин
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: group of inventions relates to traumatology and orthopaedics and can be used for minimally invasive osteosynthesis floating fractures of ribs. Line is made wit paint on skin along rib. At tube at marked line, a scalpel is used to puncture at level of proximal fragment, middle floating segment and distal fragment of ribs. Holes are drilled through rib and introduced into them rods on whole thickness of rib. Nuts are screwed on screw part of rod. Plate is placed on rods through slots in plate, which is lowered to nuts. Other nuts are turned from above. If necessary to lift bone fragment, upper nut is turned with loosening of lower nut, and for lowering lower nut is turned, by manipulating plate, thus establishing reducing balance of bone fragments. Nuts on rod are fixed tightly to plate. Broken ribs are fixed through one. Device for minimally invasive osteosynthesis of floating fractures of ribs includes plate, which is transversally bent with radius equal to width of plate, and on length is bent in form of ribs by 120 degrees, in centre of longitudinal axis of plate there are slots for introduction of rods with diameter equal to slot rod having a square shape on top for use of cap key with screwing rod in rib bone fragment, then on shaft of rod there is a screw thread for nuts and below, to rod end, threaded with greater thread pitch, end of rod is blunt two nuts arranged on screw thread of rod to allow movement of plate upwards or downwards during reposition of bone fragments of rib and fixed tightly to plate when reposition is achieved.EFFECT: group of inventions enables to reduce injuries, provides reliable fixation, recovering respiratory function.3 cl, 2 dwgГруппа изобретений относится к травматологии и ортопедии и может быть применима для миниинвазивного остеосинтеза флотирующих переломов ребер. Проводят линию краской на коже вдоль ребра. Под ЭОПом по отмеченной линии делают проколы скальпелем на уровне проксимального фрагмента, средн