Federalnoe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe obrazovatelnoe uchrezhdenie vysshego obrazovaniya "Kalmytskij gosudarstvennyj universitet imeni B.B. Gorodovikova"
Basangova Zayana Lvovna,Басангова Заяна Львовна,Zelenskaya Elena Anatolevna,Зеленская Елена Анатольевна,Fajziev Raim Musaevich,Файзиев Раим Мусаевич
FIELD: agriculture.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to the field of agriculture and land reclamation. Method includes harrowing, sowing grasses in the sod with simultaneous application of fertilizers, optimal duration of flooding up to 30 days, discharge of water and crevice with the definition of the flooding regime, taking into account the meliorative state of the estuaries and the timing of flooding. In this case, surface treatments are carried out with disc tools, cutters, and slivers. When carrying out cultural work for the destruction of sodded hummocks used rail rake PB-4,0 or heavy disk harrow BDT-7. If the content of weed or low-value species in sedge-grass and grass-grass grass stands does not exceed 20%, and cereals reach 40-50%, improve meadows without sowing grass with the introduction of fertilizers and cleaning herbage from weeds with herbicides. When the content of weedy uneaten species in mixed grass stands is from 20 to 50%, and cereals up to 30% after the destruction of weeds are sown in the sod with highly productive species of perennial grass grasses in its pure form or a mixture of several species in the full norm - couch grass, Sudan grass, arctic brome, wheatgrass, yellow lucerne, alkali grass. Sowing period is late, with simultaneous application of nitrogen fertilizers with the norm of 60-90 kg ai / ha, phosphorus - 40-60 kg ai / ha, potassium - 40-60 kg ai / ha. Grass is mowed down during the cereal earing phase. Rate of flooding is 2.5-4.5 thousand meters3/ ha, the depth of flooding is not more than 50 cm. In late autumn, a crevice is made to a depth of 40 cm with a gap width of 3-5 cm and distances between the slits of 70-140 cm.EFFECT: method makes it possible to increase the productivity of the sown cereals to provide farm animals with feed.1 clИзобретение относится к области сельского хозяйства и мелиорации. Способ включает боронование, подсев трав в дернину с одновременным внесением удобрений, оптимальную продолжительность затопления до 3