1. A method of reducing the number of viable microorganisms present on the surface of a meat product, in which: a) they take an unprocessed meat product; b) place this meat product in the atmosphere with a temperature T; c) quickly reduce the temperature of the atmosphere with a selected cooling rate to a temperature below 20 ° C; d) it is possible to maintain the temperature of the atmosphere T for a selected period of time; e) provide heating of the meat product, possibly at a selected slow heating rate by adjusting the temperature of the atmospheres to temperature T; where the selected temperatures T, T, and T, the selected cooling rate, the selected period of time, and the selected heating rate are selected so that the number of viable microorganisms present on the surface decreases, while the temperature of the meat product does not decrease below -2 ° C and it remains unfrozen. 2. A method of reducing the number of viable microorganisms present on the surface of the meat, in which: a) take an unprocessed meat product having a surface membrane and muscle tissue, and on the surface membrane of the specified raw meat product there are viable microorganisms; b) cool the surface membrane with a selected cooling rate to the surface membrane reaches the first selected temperature; c) possibly supporting the surface membrane at the first selected temperature is, for a selected period of time; d) provide a heating surface of the membrane to a selected second temperature higher than the first temperature, to obtain a processed meat pro1. Способ сокращения количества жизнеспособных микроорганизмов, присутствующих на поверхности мясного продукта, при котором:a) берут необработанный мясной продукт;b) помещают этот мясной продукт в атмосферу с температурой T;c) быстро снижают температуру атмосферы с выбранной скоростью охлаждения до температуры Tниже -20°C;d) возможно, поддерживают температуру атмосферы Tв течение выбранного периода времени;e) обеспечивают прогревание мясно