Invention herewith described refers to the process for obtaining a product from the skimmed milk powder and the milk caseinate with the addition of vegetable fat which is the milk mixture consisting of 17% vegetable fat, 11.25% skimmed milk powder before reconstitution, 5% milk protein, 2 % salt, 0.1% citric acid, 0.004% lactic acid bacteria, 0.0016% rennet, and water. Skimmed milk powder and milk protein - caseinate are dissolved in water and vegetable fat is melted with the water heated to T = 40°C then these ingredients are fused, homogenized at P = l80-200 bar and the temperature T = 55-60°C, and further on pasteurized at the temperature T = 80-85°C. Milky mass is cooled and into it there are added lactic acid bacteria as well as dry rennet powder, after that the fermentation is performed at T = 36-39°C, providing the pH value of the product to be 4.6-4.7, whereupon the product is cut and 18% brine is poured over the pieces put in PE buckets and stored at the temperature from T = 0 to 4°C in cold storage until it is distributed to customers.Postupak za dobijanja proizvoda od obranog mleka u prahu i mlečnog kazeinata sa dodatkom biljne masti, je mlečna smeša koja sadrži, biljnu mast 17%, obrano mleko u prahu pre rekonstituisanja 11.25%, mlečni protein 5%, so 2%, limunska kiselina 0.1 %, bakterija mlečne kiseline 0.004%, sirilo 0.0016%, i vodu,gde dolazi do rastvaranja obranog mleko u prahu i mlečni protein - kazeinat, kao i rastapanje biljne masti sa zagrejanom vodom T=40°C, vrši se njihovo sjedinjavanje, a zatim se homogenizuje na P=180-200 bar i T= 55-60°C, potom pasterizuje na T= 80-85°C, zatim se hladi mlečna masa i u njoj dodaju bakterije mlečne kiseline, kao i sirilo u prahu, a onda se vrši fermentacije na T=36-39°C, tako da je Ph vrednost proizvoda 4,6-4,7,zatim se proizvod seče i zaliva 18% salamurom u PE kante i čuva na temperaturi T=0 do 4°C, u hladnjaču,dok se ne distribuira kupcima.