In the surrogate parent fish farming method, the germination ability of the transplanted germ cells on the host gonadsGerm cells of isolated germ cells adapted for practical use, which has improved transplant efficiency, improved efficiencyIt is an object of the present invention to provide a method for inducing differentiation into a lineage,Separated isolated fish-derived germ cells are transferred to the peritoneal cavity of host fish before and after hatchingA germline of isolated germ cells consisting of transplanting into a host fish individual by transplantationIn the method of inducing the differentiation into a row, it is necessary to preliminarily prepare an undifferentiatedAntibodies that specifically recognize germ cells are obtained, and using the antibody, the antinode of the host fishFrom isolated germ cells derived from fish used for transplantation into the cavity, ability to engraft in host gonads, Separating and concentrating the separated spermatogonial cells and culturing the separated germ cells in the host fish before and after hatchingImprove germ cell engraftment to host fish gonads by transplanting into the peritoneal cavityBy providing a method for inducing differentiated germline differentiation of isolated germ cells,Thereby solving the problem.代理親魚養殖方法において、移植した生殖細胞の宿主生殖腺への生着能を向上させ、移植効率を増大した、実用化に適応した分離生殖細胞の生殖細胞系列への分化誘導方法を提供することを課題とし、魚類の精巣又は卵巣から分離された、魚類由来の分離生殖細胞を、孵化前後の宿主魚類の腹腔内への移植により宿主魚類個体に移植することからなる分離生殖細胞の生殖細胞系列への分化誘導方法において、予め、宿主生殖腺への生着能を有する未分化生殖細胞を特異的に認識する抗体を取得し、該抗体を用いて、宿主魚類の腹腔内への移植に用いる魚類由来の分離生殖細胞から、宿主生殖腺への生着能を有する精原細胞を分離、濃縮し、該分離生殖細胞を孵化前後の宿主魚類の腹腔内へ移植することにより、生殖細胞の宿主魚類生殖腺への生着能を向上させ分離生殖細胞の生殖細胞系列への分化誘導方法を提供することにより、該課題を解決する。