In a method and system for producing an implant, the latter is designed withone or more surfaces extending in the longitudinal direction of the implant.Two or three production stages can be used. In one stage, either a topographywith a long wave pattern is produced by means of cutting work, or laserbombardment or further cutting work is used to produce a topography with anintermediate-length wave pattern. In addition, an oxidation process or shot-peening or etching is used to produce an outer layer. When using two of saidproduction stages, said cutting work or said laser bombardment or furthercutting work is followed by the oxidation process or the shot-peening oretching method. When using all three production stages, cutting work isfollowed by laser bombardment, or further cutting work, which in turn isfollowed for example by the oxidation process. The invention also relates toan implant which is produced using the method and is identified, ordered andproduced using the system. The invention permits effective treatment ofdifferent implant situations.