The invention relates to a cinerary urn device with identification and recording function. The cinerary urn is combined with an identification component. Thereby deceased data such as the name, the picture, the life story… etc. can be included in the identification component. Thus it can avoid that the picture of the deceased is directly adhered to the cinerary urn so that other worshipers who go to the charnel house to worship the deceased relatives and friends will feel uncomfortable. Furthermore, it can achieve the substantial efficiency of memory of the deceased by means of the identification component contained with the deceased’s biographical data recorded sufficiently in the forms of words, images or videos.本發明係有關於一種具辨識暨記錄功能之骨灰罈裝置,係於骨灰罈上結合有辨識元件,藉此,係將往生者姓名、照片、生平事蹟..等資料內含於辨識元件中,以避免將往生者照片直接黏貼於骨灰罈上,而對其他前往納骨塔祭拜往生親友之祭拜者造成不舒適感,並利用辨識元件內含充分記錄往生者生平資料之文字、圖像及影音形式顯示,以達到具體追思緬懷往生者等實質效益者。(1)...骨灰罈(11)...罈體(12)...罈蓋(2)...辨識元件(3)...解讀元件