Масленников Дмитрий Николаевич (RU),Коннов Валерий Владимирович (RU),Бизяев Алексей Алексеевич (RU),Поспелов Андрей Николаевич (RU),Бахтурин Николай Александрович (RU),Анисимова Яна Юрьевна (RU)
The utility model relates to medicine, namely to the orthopedic stomatology and may be used for optimal fixation and stabilization of complete dentures removable plate in the absence of teeth on the lower jaw.We first proposed a full removable laminar dentures from acrylic plastic on the lower jaw with elastic lingual part of the thermoplastic in retroalveolyarnoy area.The prosthesis comprises a base of acrylic resin, in retroalveolyarnoy prosthesis edge region made of a thermoplastic artificial teeth.The advantage of this prosthesis is the possibility of its smooth blending of the mouth, when expressed in retroalveolyarnoy undercut region, as well as a mushroom shape mandibular alveolar ridge without shortening or thinning the lower boundary of the inner surface thereof. As we move along the lingual surface of the alveolar crest, the elastic portion of the plate full removable prosthesis, passing through the most projecting portion of the lower jaw is discharged in a lingual direction. After passing through this portion returns to its original position, thereby tightly covering the alveolar ridge along its lingual surface. This creates a high density of the elastic fit of the prosthesis to a prosthetic bed. This increases the efficiency of its fixation and stabilization, optimal conditions are created when using the prosthesis, reduced patient timeline adaptation to the prosthesis and virtually eliminate painful reaction to a prosthesis.Полезная модель относится к медицине, а именно к стоматологии ортопедической и может быть использована для достижения оптимальной фиксации и стабилизации полных съемных пластиночных протезов при полном отсутствии зубов на нижней челюсти.Нами впервые предложен полный съемный пластиночный протез из акриловой пластмассы на нижнюю челюсть с эластичной язычной частью из термопласта в ретроальвеолярной области.Протез содержит базис из акриловой пластмассы, край протеза в ретроальвеолярной области выполнен из термопласта, искусственные зуб