The object of the invention is to use macrocipins as pesticidal active substances for plant protection. Macrocipins are a group of proteins that are naturally present in the Macrolepiota Procera fungus. The use of these proteins for plant protection is possible in two ways. The first is the use of genetically modified plants to which the polynucleotide sequence is stably included in the genome, which encodes at least one of the proteins mentioned in the present invention. The other way is direct application of proteins to plants. In this case, the polynucleotide sequence encoding at least one of the proteins mentioned in this invention is inserted into the heterologous expression vector for the production of the recombinant protein in the bioreactor. After the cleaning process, these proteins can be applied directly to the plants that we want to protect. The polypeptides of the present invention are particularly useful for protecting against pests of agricultural plants, such as Lepidopter, Hemipter, Dipter and Coleopter insects, preferably in front of the Lupinotarsa decemlineata.Predmet izuma je uporaba makrocipinov kot pesticidnih učinkovin za zaščito rastlin. Makrocipini so skupina proteinov, ki so naravno prisotni v glivi Macrolepiota procera. Uporaba teh proteinov za zaščito rastlin je možna na dva načina. Prvi je z uporabo gensko spremenjenih rastlin, katerim v genom stabilno vključimo polinukleotidno zaporedje, ki kodira vsaj enega izmed proteinov navedenih v tem izumu. Drugi način pa je neposredna aplikacija proteinov na rastline. V tem primeru je polinukleotidno zaporedje, ki kodira vsaj enega izmed proteinov navedenih v tem izumu, vstavljeno v vektor za heterologno izražanje za produkcijo rekombinantnega proteina v bioreaktorju. Te proteine po procesu čiščenja lahko nanesemo neposredno na rastline, ki jih želimo zaščititi. Polipeptidi tega izuma so še posebej uporabni za zaščito pred škodljivci kmetijskih rastlin, kot na primer skupin žuželk iz redov Lepi