This is a semi-hydroponics device which consists of several joint pans, lids and net pots. The series connected pans can be expanded to increase yield. We put the crops into net pots and hang the net pots on the lids. Then we put the lids on the pans and pour nutritious solution into the pans. The water system is non-circulating, and it is consumed when crops is growing.本案係一種半水耕栽培裝置,係設有數個相互串接之栽培盆具,藉由接合設計可以水平延伸,增加栽種面積。本體包含頂蓋、穴盆和盆具組成,盆具內加入靜置型的水耕培養液,穴盆用於放置作物種苗,並懸掛於頂蓋上。頂蓋除了固定作物之外還可以避免日光直接接觸培養液,特殊造型設計使得盆具內外的空氣可以相互流通。作物種苗的根部包覆些許土壤以做固定及保溫作用。封閉系統,組合方便,此為半水耕的栽培方式。1‧‧‧淹灌式半水耕栽培裝置101‧‧‧獨立栽培盆102‧‧‧左右栽培盆103‧‧‧中間栽培盆104‧‧‧擴充栽培盆111‧‧‧三孔2吋穴盆頂蓋112‧‧‧單孔2吋穴盆頂蓋113‧‧‧3.75吋穴盆頂蓋121‧‧‧2吋穴盆122‧‧‧3.75吋穴盆131‧‧‧栽培盆液位標示