The continuous disinfestation of rice insects with radio frequency equipment can be applied in killing insects for rice. The new equipment is assembled with a radio-frequency power generator and a pair of parallel electrode plates in an electromagnetic sealed chamber where the packed rice is placed on the conveyer for fast heating and insects disinfestation. The radio-frequency can quickly provide uniform heat for the whole packed rice due to the dielectric heating mechanism, the insects disinfestation can be processed in seconds. The radio frequency equipment is effectively in killing the different biological stages of rice insects including the eggs, larvae, pupas and adults for persisting long term storage. This invention is for preserving the rice safety rather than by using the chemical methods in insects disinfestation, such as insecticides or fumigation. The frequency of radio frequency is lower than that of microwave therefore, radio frequency can penetrate deeper into the packed rice than microwave does, and yields a more uniform temperature distribution inside the package. It is very suitable for dis-infesting of insects of packed rice. The radio frequency can overcome heat transfer resistance of conventional heating methods therefore it can significantly reduce process time and cost as well. The radio-frequency power detector, temperature sensor, and auto-control system can be attached into the equipment for controlling and recording process parameters.連續式稻米殺蟲射頻設備是一種輸送帶式連續殺蟲處理裝置,此新發明設備是將射頻產生器連接到一對平行電極板,將稻米置於電極板中的輸送帶上連續移動,以電容式感應射頻電磁場使得分子振動及離子移動快速產生熱達到殺蟲目的。由於射頻加熱是屬於介電質感應電磁波產生熱,被處理的稻米整體同時感應電磁波產生熱,有快速加熱與溫度均勻的優點,可以數秒內均勻且快速的升溫,利用此物理方法快速加熱稻米可殺死米蟲的全部蟲卵、幼蟲、蟲繭及成蟲,長期儲存可保有米的品質。此新發明的處理方法可以避免使用化學燻蒸法,可提高米食的安全性。由於射頻的電磁波頻率較微波低,故射頻穿透樣品的深度會比微波顯著增加,樣品溫度分布也較均勻,非常適合大量或大包裝的稻米之殺蟲處理。且此連續式稻米殺蟲射頻設備可克服傳統的熱傳導障礙,故可在數秒至數分鐘的處理時間達到殺蟲的目的,提昇產能並降低生產成本。為了控制和記錄射頻加熱過程,附有自動控制系統、射頻輸出功率偵測器、偵測樣品溫度的感測器。第一圖中的代號(1)...射頻產生器(2)...射頻功率偵測器(3)...電源引入線(4)...接地線(5)...稻米(6)...共同電極(7)...輸送帶(8)...電磁波洩露抑制隧道(9).