A root implant is characterized in that a body and a coarse thread are provided with a plurality of first holes and second holes respectively. The first and second holes are processed by a high-energy optothermal method in order to arrange the first and second holes on the body and the coarse thread by equal distances. Therefore, the first and second holes allow accretions to accommodate and adhere therein when the root implant interfaces with the alveolar bone. Further, a plurality of first and second joint sections formed on the body and the coarse thread respectively allow the accretions to clamber. The accretions then connect together to provide a tight combination between the root implant and the alveolar bone, thereby enhancing the stability of the root implant after implanting into the alveolar bone and attaining the great ability to receive large biting force.本發明係提供一種牙根植體,其主要藉牙根植體之本體與粗螺紋上形成有複數第一、第二凹洞之設計,而該等第一、第二凹洞係以高能量光熱方式加工而成,以便該等第一、第二凹洞得以呈等距間隔排列形態成形於該本體與該粗螺紋上,藉此當該牙根植體植入口腔之齒槽骨內時,即利用該等第一、第二凹洞恰可供增生物有規則伸入且附著於內,再配合該本體與該粗螺紋上之銜接段及連接段的設置,俾供增生物攀附且形成相互牽引作用,進而可使該牙根植體得以與該齒槽骨形成緊密的接觸,更能促進該牙根植體植入的穩定性,且穩固結合於該齒槽骨上,以承受日後所會產生之較大的咬合力。1 牙根植體 11 本體 12 鎖合部 13 定位孔 14 螺牙段 111 第一凹洞 112 第一銜接段 a1 底壁 a2 周壁 a3 容室 141 粗螺紋 1411 第二凹洞 1412 第二連接段 b1 底壁 b2 周壁 b3 容室 142 細螺紋