The present invention relates to a method for treating seeds (7) or forplanting seeds and/or plantable material in a substrate (1) having at leastone planting position. The method comprises treating the seeds (7) and/orplanting material with a treatment substance (6) by depositing the treatmentsubstance (6) at the planting position. The method further comprisesdepositing the seeds (7) and/or the plantable material at the plantingposition. The method further comprises also providing depositing means (4, 5)for depositing the treatment substance (6) and/or the seeds and/or theplantable material. The method further comprises also displacing the substrate(1) and the depositing means (4, 5) relative to one another. The methodfurther comprises also providing a control for driving the depositing means(4, 5) to deposit sequentially specimens of the seeds (7) and/or the plantablematerial and/or a dosed amount of treatment substance (6) for depositionthereof at the planting position.