The present invention provides recombinant DNA molecules and constructs and their nucleotide sequence, can be used for modulate gene expression. It include the method and their purposes for being operably coupled to the transcribed DNA of heterologous molecule the present invention also provides the recombinant DNA molecules that genetically modified plants, plant cell, plant part and seed include DNA molecular.<;p>;MOLÉ;CULA DE ADN RECOMBINANTE QUE COMPRENDE GEN AGRONÓ;MICO QUE CONFIERE RESISTENCIA A PLAGAS EN PLANTAS; CÉ;LULA DE PLANTA QUE COMPRENDE DICHA MOLÉ;CULA; MÉ;TODO PARA PRODUCIR UN PRODUCTO BÁ;SICO QUE COMPRENDEN OBTENER UNA PLANTA TRANSGÉ;NICA QUE COMPRENDE LAS CÉ;LULAS DE PLANTA ANTES DESCRITAS.<;/p>;