FIELD: food industry.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to confectionary industry and may be used during manufacture of pastille goods, in particular, gelatine-based marshmallow with increased nutritive value. The marshmallow manufacture method is as follows: syrup is prepared for marshmallow mass production from sugar, molasses and invert syrup taken at a ratio of 1:0.4:0.2, respectively. One separately prepares water solutions of gelatine and gum arabic gelatine is soaked in water at a ratio of 1:2 and left for swelling during 2 hours swollen gelatine is heated to 55-60°C for better transportation through the pipeline gum arabic is additionally mixed with water at a ratio of 1:1 and soaked during 1 hours for complete dissolution water solution of gelatine and gum arabic is introduced into the boiled out syrup. The produced mixture with dry substances weight fraction equal to 76% is beaten till the mass density is equal to 0.4-0.55 g/cm at the end of beating one introduces a flavouring agent, a colouring agent and citric acid then one performs the mass cooling and moulding at a temperature of 28-32°C in the form of separate bodies by way of deposition or pressing through the extruder matrix in the form of rope with subsequent cutting into separate goods. Then marshmallow is cooled to room temperature, maintained during 1-2 hours and sprinkled with a starch-sugar mixture the components ratio, kg, is as follows: sugar-molasses-invert syrup - 71.0-75.0 gelatine - 3.1-3.2 gum arabic - 6.5-8.3 flavouring agent - 0.1 colouring agent - 0.1 citric acid - 0.4 sugar powder for sprinkling - 1.1 starch for sprinkling - 1.1.EFFECT: invention allows to enhance marshmallow quality due to improvement of organoleptic and physical-and-chemical indices, in particular, reduction of density, acidity and reducing substances content, to obtain a homogeneous fine-pored mass with resilient elastic properties, to enhance nutritive value of goods due to the product enrichment with biologically act